Understanding Female Hair Loss Patterns

female hair loss patterns

having healthy hair is everyone’s wish but due to several factors, it’s not manageable. There are types of hair loss patterns like alopecia areata, trichotillomania, androgenetic alopecia, and so on. The hair fall issue is truly disturbing for people but females feel more effective with the problems. Natural healthy length of hair strands is considered […]

Common Reasons For Baldness In Men and Women

Hair loss is a loss of self-esteem and confidence in the self eyes. Several people are suffering from hair fall and baldness, and both men and women are equally affected. As per the research, 85% of men and 40% of women experience hair loss between the ages of 35 and 50 respectively. The embarrassment regarding […]

Hair Transplantation For Crown Baldness

The success rate of hair restoration, hair transplant, and customized hairline tailored after the surgery is inspiring people to experience positive results. Whether it is the use of advanced technology, minimally invasive procedures, or efficient treatment, the lesser complications are changing the scenario of hair restoration. However, it is important to understand the type of […]

Can A Bald Person Get A Hair Transplant?

Hair restoration is becoming the ultimate solution for people suffering from hair loss. Whether it is due to the advancements in medical science, the use of modern procedures that guarantee favorable results according to the different hairline preferences, or even the minimal discomfort and maximum outcome prospects, hair transplant surgery is beneficial for people suffering […]

Is Hair Transplant A Safe Procedure?

hair transplant in alahabad by hair aesthetica

Hair loss and its symptoms can be awful when a person visualizes partial baldness while grooming. However, merely reflecting on the thought will not resolve the issue, instead, seeking medical advice is a practical thought. To be precise, the hair transplant procedure is deemed to be the ultimate step for people who want to get […]