Hair loss is a loss of self-esteem and confidence in the self eyes. Several people are suffering from hair fall and baldness, and both men and women are equally affected. As per the research, 85% of men and 40% of women experience hair loss between the ages of 35 and 50 respectively. The embarrassment regarding physical appearance due to hair loss makes people worried. They feel demotivated that gives a negative impact on their entire health. There are various common reasons for baldness in men and women, which can be reversed with suitable treatments with the help of hair transplant treatments as per the advice of expert doctors.
Here are the common reasons for baldness in men and women:
The quality and strength of the hair follicles inherit traits, the growth, colours, density, volume, length, and texture are based on the genetic factor of an individual. Hair loss patterns are 80% impacted, and the chromosomes of both parents are responsible for passing the features.
Medicines Side Effect
Medicines usually have some amount of the drugs to fight against antigens in the body. Hair loss can be a side effect of the heavy dosage of previously recommended medications for curing pre-existing diseases.
Autoimmune Diseases
Another common reason for baldness in men and women can be the effect of autoimmune diseases. These infections of autoimmune illness directly impact the hair follicles with specific scientific reasons behind the damage of hair strands.
Radiation Therapy
Hair loss can be a side effect of chemotherapy, which is a medicated process to cure cancer by using radiation to remove the toxic cells and infection of cancer. It uses medicines with high dosages of drugs in them, and they have their side effects.
Undernutrition individuals are more prey to having hair loss patterns, this is a common reason for baldness in men and women. A balanced diet gives essential vitamins and minerals to the body for healthy functioning but deficiencies of nutrients can lead to health issues including hair loss problems.
It is the one of common reasons for baldness in men and women. Exposure to polluted air can destroy the essential protein level of hair follicles leading to hair loss patterns.
The shift in hormone levels can lead to female hair loss patterns and male pattern baldness. The imbalance of the hormone may affect the growth of the hair strands, so doctors first try hormonal reverse therapy by making some changes in diet for hair restoration treatments.
Intense stress can weaken the hair strands and break them from a phase of growth leading to hair fall. This is why the doctor suggests maintaining a healthy balance to avoid stress.
Water Quality
A common reason for baldness in men and women is the water quality that disturbs the pH level of the scalp skin. It directly impacts the hair roots leading to damage and breakage of hair strands.
Extreme Hair Care
Excessive hair care can secrete and remove essential and natural oil from the scalp, damaging healthy hair. It can generate inflammation and irritants on the skin of the scalp. This is why one should avoid giving treatments and extreme hair care.
If facing a similar concern don’t worry, Hair Aesthetica is here to give the best hair transplant treatments as per the personalized need of a solution. We believe in keeping our patients happy by resorting to their hair problems with advanced techniques for hair restoration. One can keep trust in us to get suitable hair transplant treatment in India. You can find contact details on the website for connecting us to get the utmost care.